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Feb 12, 2025

In Part 2 of our church staffing series, Sean and Amy tackle another challenging oxymoron: having the right wrong people on your team.

In this episode, we unpack:

  • How to assess your current staff leaders beyond basic performance metrics
  • Understanding the four levels of leadership capacity (10s, 50s, 100s, 1000s)
  • The importance of evaluating roles separately from the people in them
  • Tools and assessments for understanding staff wiring and capacity

Plus, we discuss the value of outside perspective when making tough staffing decisions, share practical next steps for leaders and explain how to avoid creating the same challenges in future hiring. We also address the personal growth needed from senior leaders to build and maintain healthy staff structures.

This Episode is Brought to You By Planning Center:

Planning Center is an all-in-one toolkit to organize and run your ministries. And what is a ministry without volunteers?

Planning Center helps you build a sustainable and balanced volunteer schedule that aligns ministry needs with people’s availability. Then, you can connect with your team using chat, where you can coordinate ministry details, make announcements, and engage in fun conversations with your teammates.

Get started for free at planningcenter.com.

Jan 29, 2025

The '90s called again, and they want their 3-ring binder back.

In Part 4 of our series, Sean and Amy explore:

  • Why documenting a strategy isn't the same as creating aligned action
  • How churches sometimes use planning to avoid significant change
  • The difference between treating symptoms vs. solving root problems
  • What true organizational alignment looks like and why it matters
  • Practical steps for moving from documentation to implementation

Plus, they discuss how to assess whether your teams are truly aligned, share real examples of effective and ineffective alignment and provide guidance for leaders who want to create living, active ministry plans that drive results instead of static documents that collect dust.


This Episode is Brought to You By Planning Center:

Planning Center is an all-in-one toolkit to organize and run your ministries. And what is a ministry without volunteers?

Planning Center helps you build a sustainable and balanced volunteer schedule that aligns ministry needs with people’s availability. Then, you can connect with your team using chat, where you can coordinate ministry details, make announcements, and engage in fun conversations with your teammates.

Get started for free at planningcenter.com.

Jan 22, 2025

The '90s called, and they want their core values back.

In Part 3 of our series, Sean and Amy discuss how churches can move beyond generic “permission to play” values to define authentic, culture-shaping behaviors that drive real organizational change. They cover:

  • Why traditional church core values often end up as meaningless wall art
  • The difference between “permission to play” values and true culture-shaping behaviors
  • How to identify and define values that reflect who you actually are (not who you wish to be)
  • Practical steps for embedding these behaviors into hiring, firing and performance management
  • Why senior leaders must model the behaviors they want to see in their culture

Plus, they explain why values should be tangible and observable, share real examples of effective culture-shaping behaviors and provide guidance for leaders who want to intentionally shape their organizational culture through clear behavioral expectations.

This Episode Is Brought to You by PlainJoe:

Unleash the power of your church’s story with PlainJoe, a Storyland Studio!

Their creative, fun-loving team of designers, architects, and specialists will come alongside your church to help you excel in your storytelling—and reach the people who need you most.

PlainJoe has expertise in strategic, spatial, and digital storytelling, from brand development to architecture, website design, and beyond. Learn more at plainjoe.net.

Join the Conversation on Social Media

We use hashtag #unstuckchurch on X and on Instagram

Jan 15, 2025

The ‘90s called again, and they want their 10-year visions back.

In Part 2 of our series, Amy and Sean explore how churches can move beyond outdated vision-setting approaches to create more focused, time-bound visions that actually drive change.

In this episode, we discuss:

  • Why the 10-year vision approach from the ‘90s no longer works in today’s fast-changing world
  • How to start with identifying the core problem in your mission field before crafting a vision
  • What makes a vision effective for the modern church (hint: it’s specific and time-bound)
  • Practical examples of bold moves from real churches

Plus, they’ll share key questions every church should ask when developing their vision and explain why getting crystal clear on the problem you’re trying to solve is essential for rallying your entire church body around a common purpose.

This Episode Is Brought to You By PlainJoe:

Unleash the power of your church’s story with PlainJoe, a Storyland Studio!

Their creative, fun-loving team of designers, architects, and specialists will come alongside your church to help you excel in your storytelling—and reach the people who need you most.

PlainJoe has expertise in strategic, spatial, and digital storytelling, from brand development to architecture, website design, and beyond. Learn more at plainjoe.net.

Join the Conversation on Social Media

We use hashtag #unstuckchurch on X and on Instagram


Jan 8, 2025

The '90s called, and they want their strategic planning process back. That binder that’s still on the shelf. The 10-year vision that has come and gone.

So many churches are still doing vision, planning and strategy following an old playbook—a 30+ year-old playbook. Is there a more modern way to unify your church body around your vision?

In this series, Amy and Sean will kick off 2025 by helping you learn a more nimble, actionable approach to planning and aligning your staff and church around a common purpose. 

And in Part 1, they’re picking on church mission statements and sharing what makes more sense.

For the full episode transcript, links mentioned during the show and to download the Leader Conversation Guide, visit this episode's Show Notes at theunstuckgroup.com/episode378.

This Episode Is Brought to You By PlainJoe:

Unleash the power of your church’s story with PlainJoe, a Storyland Studio!

Their creative, fun-loving team of designers, architects, and specialists will come alongside your church to help you excel in your storytelling—and reach the people who need you most.

PlainJoe has expertise in strategic, spatial, and digital storytelling, from brand development to architecture, website design, and beyond. Learn more at plainjoe.net.

Join the Conversation on Social Media

We use hashtag #unstuckchurch on X and on Instagram


Jan 1, 2025

Wow, 2024, what a year of highs and lows. If there were ever a year to pause and look back, this is the one for us.

In this episode, Sean and Amy are joined by Tiffany Deluccia, the third member of The Unstuck Group’s leadership team. We reflect on God’s faithfulness in 2024 and preview some of what’s to come in 2025.

For the full episode transcript, visit this episode’s Show Notes at  theunstuckgroup.com/episode377. No Leader Conversation Guide this week!

This Episode Is Brought to You By PlainJoe:

Unleash the power of your church’s story with PlainJoe, a Storyland Studio!

Their creative, fun-loving team of designers, architects, and specialists will come alongside your church to help you excel in your storytelling—and reach the people who need you most.

PlainJoe has expertise in strategic, spatial, and digital storytelling, from brand development to architecture, website design, and beyond. Learn more at plainjoe.net.

Join the Conversation on Social Media

We use hashtag #unstuckchurch on X and on Instagram

Dec 18, 2024

We have covered the things that can start to feel like crises related to the people side of growth, and we’ve covered the challenges you can expect related to the emotional side of growth. But there's one more area that contains a lot of practical, preventable challenges in a growing church: the systems and structure side of growth. 

In this episode, we're talking all about the logistics. The practical obstacles you start to run into as more and more people show up. The really obvious issues that have less obvious solutions.

For the full episode transcript, links mentioned during the show and to download the Leader Conversation Guide, visit this episode's Show Notes at  theunstuckgroup.com/episode376.

This Episode is Sponsored by Planning Center:

Planning Center is an all-in-one toolkit to organize and run your ministries. And what is a ministry without volunteers? Planning Center helps you build a sustainable and balanced volunteer schedule that aligns ministry needs with people’s availability. Then, you can connect with your team using chat, where you can coordinate ministry details, make announcements, and engage in fun conversations with your teammates.

Get started for free at planningcenter.com.

Join the Conversation on Social Media

We use hashtag #unstuckchurch on X and on Instagram

Dec 11, 2024

Continued growth can feel like an engine. 

As a leader, you’re seeing results. You’re running on the high of seeing the fruits of all the effort, intention and faithfulness. You and the team have been on mission, and you’ve sensed God’s blessing and hand on the ministry.

And then it all starts taking a toll, and if you’re not careful, things can go sideways.

In part two of our series “Predicable Challenges of Lead a Growing Church,” Sean and Amy talk about the emotional side of growth

For the full episode transcript, links mentioned during the show and to download the Leader Conversation Guide, visit this episode's Show Notes at  theunstuckgroup.com/episode375.

This Episode is Sponsored by Planning Center:

Planning Center is an all-in-one toolkit to organize and run your ministries. And what is a ministry without volunteers? Planning Center helps you build a sustainable and balanced volunteer schedule that aligns ministry needs with people’s availability. Then, you can connect with your team using chat, where you can coordinate ministry details, make announcements, and engage in fun conversations with your teammates.

Get started for free at planningcenter.com.

Join the Conversation on Social Media

We use hashtag #unstuckchurch on X and on Instagram

Dec 4, 2024

When your church is in a season of growth, there are certain challenges that you are bound to run into.

The good news is these challenges are predictable. But just because they are predictable doesn’t mean they are easy to navigate. In fact, some of the pastors going through a season of big momentum would tell you it’s one of the hardest seasons they’ve led through, but it’s also extremely rewarding.

We’re kicking off a new series called “Predictable Challenges of Leading a Growing Church,” where we will be discussing the tensions growing churches face and, most importantly, how to combat them. In this episode, Sean and Amy talk about what’s most important in a growing church—people.

For the full episode transcript, links mentioned during the show and to download the Leader Conversation Guide, visit this episode's Show Notes at  theunstuckgroup.com/episode374.

This Episode is Sponsored by Planning Center:

Planning Center is an all-in-one toolkit to organize and run your ministries. And what is a ministry without volunteers? Planning Center helps you build a sustainable and balanced volunteer schedule that aligns ministry needs with people’s availability. Then, you can connect with your team using chat, where you can coordinate ministry details, make announcements, and engage in fun conversations with your teammates.

Get started for free at planningcenter.com.

Join the Conversation on Social Media

We use hashtag #unstuckchurch on X and on Instagram


Nov 27, 2024

It's the most wonderful time of the year... time for The Unstuck Church Report!

Every quarter, The Unstuck Group compiles all the data we’ve collected to monitor trends in churches in the United States. Our Q4 report focuses on current data and trends in multisite churches specifically.

We received data from over 100 multisite churches ranging from fewer than 500 people in physical attendance to more than 20,000 people in attendance. These churches had as few as two locations to more than 20 locations, and the average attendance of the churches responding to the survey was 2,982 people.

In this episode, Sean and Amy discuss findings from the Q4 2024 Unstuck Church Report and take a targeted look at trends and data for multisite churches. 

For the full episode transcript, links mentioned during the show and to download the Leader Conversation Guide, visit this episode's Show Notes at  theunstuckgroup.com/episode373.


This episode is sponsored by Horizons Stewardship:

Horizons Stewardship utilizes a collaborative and integrated ministry framework designed to fit each organization’s unique culture and support church and faith-based nonprofit leaders in their mission to grow disciples and fund ministry through coaching, planning, technology, and analytics.

Horizons has over three decades of experience and has developed a spiritually focused approach that consistently yields more funding for ministry and more effective disciplemaking strategies. With the support of seasoned ministry strategists, proven generosity guides, and ICF-trained coaches, ministries that partner with Horizons experience, on average, a double-digit increase in giving within the first year.

Interested in learning more? Click here.


Join the Conversation on Social Media

We use hashtag #unstuckchurch on X and on Instagram

Nov 20, 2024

In this series, we’ve talked about how to evaluate your in-person weekend experience. But there is another aspect to the weekend that we don’t want to overlook—the online service experience.

Evaluating your online service can be tricky; it’s both part of the weekend and not. How do we measure the quality of it?

In this episode, Sean and Amy close out our Weekend Quality Check series by discussing how to evaluate your online service experience. Aaron Bennett from Stonecreek Church in Milton, GA, also shares his insights in an interview with Amy.

For the full episode transcript, links mentioned during the show and to download the Leader Conversation Guide, visit this episode's Show Notes at  theunstuckgroup.com/episode372.

This Episode is Sponsored by PlainJoe Studios

Unleash the power of your church’s story with PlainJoe, a Storyland Studio!

Their creative, fun-loving team of designers, architects, and specialists will come alongside your church to help you excel in your storytelling—and reach the people who need you most.

PlainJoe has expertise in strategic, spatial, and digital storytelling, from brand development to architecture, website design, and beyond. Learn more at plainjoe.net.

Join the Conversation on Social Media

We use hashtag #unstuckchurch on X and on Instagram

Nov 13, 2024

You’re ready for first-time guests. You’ve planned your sermon series. You’ve prepared your message. But how do you know if it’s working? How do you evaluate your weekend experience?

Throughout the “Weekend Quality Check” series, we’ve shared some practical ways you can increase the quality of your weekend planning, preparation and execution. Now, it’s time to evaluate it. 

In this episode, Sean and Amy talk through some ways to evaluate our weekends. Plus, we have another great interview to share with you from a very strategic Millennial pastor whom we love dearly: Jimmy McCloud at First Christian in Canton, Ohio.

For the full episode transcript, links mentioned during the show and to download the Leader Conversation Guide, visit this episode's Show Notes at  theunstuckgroup.com/episode371.

This Episode is Sponsored by PlainJoe Studios

Unleash the power of your church’s story with PlainJoe, a Storyland Studio!

Their creative, fun-loving team of designers, architects, and specialists will come alongside your church to help you excel in your storytelling—and reach the people who need you most.

PlainJoe has expertise in strategic, spatial, and digital storytelling, from brand development to architecture, website design, and beyond. Learn more at plainjoe.net.

Join the Conversation on Social Media

We use hashtag #unstuckchurch on X and on Instagram


Nov 6, 2024

How do you teach in a way that engages insiders without alienating the outsiders? How do you develop teachings that are relevant, relatable and truly transformational?

Sean and Amy address these questions and more in Part 3 of the “Weekend Quality Check” series.

In this episode, we dig into the core tensions pastors face in developing transformational messages that engage both insiders and outsiders, sharing practical solutions to navigate that tension while preparing messages. We also host Pastor Carlos Ortiz from Gateway Church in Austin, Texas, who shares insights about how he develops teachings that transform.

For the full episode transcript, links mentioned during the show and to download the Leader Conversation Guide, visit this episode's Show Notes at  theunstuckgroup.com/episode370.

This Episode is Sponsored by PlainJoe Studios

Unleash the power of your church’s story with PlainJoe, a Storyland Studio!

Their creative, fun-loving team of designers, architects, and specialists will come alongside your church to help you excel in your storytelling—and reach the people who need you most.

PlainJoe has expertise in strategic, spatial, and digital storytelling, from brand development to architecture, website design, and beyond. Learn more at plainjoe.net.

Join the Conversation on Social Media

We use hashtag #unstuckchurch on X and on Instagram

Oct 30, 2024

Weekend quality is about more than creative excellence. It’s about how well you leverage that time to engage both insiders and outsiders—for people who know Jesus and people who don’t.

The sermon is a core component of any weekend experience. In this episode, Sean and Amy break down strategies for planning a sermon series that really connects with both church-goers and newcomers. Joel Thomas from North Point Ministries also joins us to share some insights and tips to help make your sermons even more impactful.

For the full episode transcript, links mentioned during the show and to download the Leader Conversation Guide, visit this episode's Show Notes at theunstuckgroup.com/episode369.

This Episode is Sponsored by Horizons Stewardship

Did you know many capable households contribute more to their favorite charity than their local church? This trend is putting a significant financial strain on churches everywhere.

That’s why Horizons and The Unstuck Group have joined forces to create “The Financial Sustainability Crisis,” a guide designed to help you tackle these ongoing financial challenges.

In this invaluable resource, you’ll discover practical strategies to:

  • Effectively budget and manage your financial resources

  • Connect your giving to your discipleship journey

  • Identify ways to ensure your ministry plan is fully funded

Don’t let financial challenges hold you back from realizing your God-inspired vision.

Download "The Financial Sustainability Crisis" today at horizons.net/fundministry.

Join the Conversation on Social Media

If you're listening on Wednesday when the episode first releases, join the live conversation The Unstuck Group's team will be having on social media about this week's topic. We use hashtag #unstuckchurch on X. Or you can join in on Facebook.

Oct 23, 2024

Weekend Quality Check (Part 1) - We’re hearing it from churches across the country: More and more people are showing up on the weekend, and it’s really encouraging.

When you have that kind of momentum, it’s easy to start coasting. It’s easy to stop noticing what needs attention, which is why now is a really good time for a quality check. Weekend quality is about more than creative excellence, though; it’s about how well you leverage that time to engage both insiders and outsiders.

So, in this series, we are going to share some practical ways you can up the quality of your weekend planning, preparation and execution—to steward the momentum if you have it or to spark it if you don’t. 

In the first episode, Amy and Sean talk about common issues we see with the way churches prepare (or don’t prepare) for guests and share some solutions. We also interview Pastor Mark Johnson from The Journey in Delaware, a church we’ve served for years that sets a high bar in how they prepare for first-time guests.

For the full episode transcript, links mentioned during the show and to download the Leader Conversation Guide, visit this episode's Show Notes at theunstuckgroup.com/episode368.

This Episode is Sponsored by Horizons Stewardship

Did you know many capable households contribute more to their favorite charity than their local church? This trend is putting a significant financial strain on churches everywhere.

That’s why Horizons and The Unstuck Group have joined forces to create “The Financial Sustainability Crisis,” a guide designed to help you tackle these ongoing financial challenges.

In this invaluable resource, you’ll discover practical strategies to:

  • Effectively budget and manage your financial resources

  • Connect your giving to your discipleship journey

  • Identify ways to ensure your ministry plan is fully funded

Don’t let financial challenges hold you back from realizing your God-inspired vision.

Download "The Financial Sustainability Crisis" today at horizons.net/fundministry.

Join the Conversation on Social Media

If you're listening on Wednesday when the episode first releases, join the live conversation The Unstuck Group's team will be having on social media about this week's topic. We use hashtag #unstuckchurch on X. Or you can join in on Facebook.

Oct 16, 2024

Is the leader of your family ministry included at the leadership table? 

In the final episode of our series on "What It Really Takes To Reach Young Families," we had a conversation with Christie Penner Worden. Christie is a strategic leader, speaker, preacher and writer who is passionate about discipling children and equipping churches to raise this next generation with courageous faith. 

For the full episode transcript, links mentioned during the show and to download the Leader Conversation Guide, visit this episode's Show Notes at theunstuckgroup.com/episode367.

This Episode is Sponsored by Horizons Stewardship

Did you know many capable households contribute more to their favorite charity than their local church? This trend is putting a significant financial strain on churches everywhere.

That’s why Horizons and The Unstuck Group have joined forces to create “The Financial Sustainability Crisis,” a guide designed to help you tackle these ongoing financial challenges.

In this invaluable resource, you’ll discover practical strategies to:

  • Effectively budget and manage your financial resources

  • Connect your giving to your discipleship journey

  • Identify ways to ensure your ministry plan is fully funded

Don’t let financial challenges hold you back from realizing your God-inspired vision.

Download "The Financial Sustainability Crisis" today at horizons.net/fundministry.

Join the Conversation on Social Media

If you're listening on Wednesday when the episode first releases, join the live conversation The Unstuck Group's team will be having on social media about this week's topic. We use hashtag #unstuckchurch on X. Or you can join in on Facebook.

Oct 9, 2024

One thing is often overlooked when it comes to engaging kids and families—the environment. Creating compelling ministry spaces is crucial for reaching the next generation.

Justyn Smith from PlainJoe Studios has 22 years of experience in kids’ ministry. He works with some of the most innovative and creative churches in the country to develop compelling ministry spaces for children. In this episode, we invited Justyn to share what he’s learned about reaching the next generation through dynamic environments. 

For the full episode transcript, links mentioned during the show and to download the Leader Conversation Guide, visit this episode's Show Notes at theunstuckgroup.com/episode366.

This Episode is Sponsored by Horizons Stewardship

Horizons Stewardship utilizes a collaborative and integrated ministry framework designed to fit each organization’s unique culture and support church and faith-based nonprofit leaders in their mission to grow disciples and fund ministry through coaching, planning, technology, and analytics.

Horizons has over three decades of experience and has developed a spiritually focused approach that consistently yields more funding for ministry and more effective disciple-making strategies. With the support of seasoned ministry strategists, proven generosity guides, and ICF-trained coaches, ministries that partner with Horizons experience, on average, a double-digit increase in giving within the first year. 

Interested in learning more? Click here.

Join the Conversation on Social Media

If you're listening on Wednesday when the episode first releases, join the live conversation The Unstuck Group's team will be having on social media about this week's topic. We use hashtag #unstuckchurch on X. Or you can join in on Facebook.

Oct 2, 2024

Who is responsible? When kids’ attendance numbers are down, senior leaders can tend to blame the kids’ pastor.

But the truth is that the children’s pastor has very little control over creating the necessary environment for reaching young families. The church’s leadership and vision are big factors.

Before Tony Morgan’s tragic passing in early September 2024, we had recorded the remaining podcast episodes in this series on “What It Really Takes To Reach Young Families.” Tony was passionate about this topic and had so much practical wisdom to offer. We’ve decided to release the remaining episodes of this series over the next few weeks.

For Part 2, Tony and Amy had a conversation specifically about the aspects of ministry vision and leadership that are essential to the success or failure of kids’ pastors in their roles.

For the full episode transcript, links mentioned during the show, and to download the Leader Conversation Guide, visit this episode's Show Notes at theunstuckgroup.com/episode365.

This Episode is Sponsored by Horizons Stewardship

Horizons Stewardship utilizes a collaborative and integrated ministry framework designed to fit each organization’s unique culture and support church and faith-based nonprofit leaders in their mission to grow disciples and fund ministry through coaching, planning, technology, and analytics.

Horizons has over three decades of experience and has developed a spiritually focused approach that consistently yields more funding for ministry and more effective disciple-making strategies. With the support of seasoned ministry strategists, proven generosity guides, and ICF-trained coaches, ministries that partner with Horizons experience, on average, a double-digit increase in giving within the first year. 

Interested in learning more? Click here.

Join the Conversation on Social Media

If you're listening on Wednesday when the episode first releases, join the live conversation The Unstuck Group's team will be having on social media about this week's topic. We use hashtag #unstuckchurch on X. Or you can join in on Facebook.

Sep 11, 2024

Many of you have already heard of Tony Morgan's passing on the morning of Wednesday, September 4, 2024, after suffering a heart attack two days before and battling with all his strength.

But we wanted you to hear it from our voices.

This is a tribute to the best boss we ever had, the leader who practiced what he preached, and the man who loved Jesus and His church. In this short episode, Sean, Tiffany, and Amy share the statement released by The Unstuck Group, along with some updates on the future of the podcast. 

It's been an unspeakably difficult week. Thank you for all your kind words and prayers. Please continue to lift up Emily and all of Tony's kids in prayer, and the Unstuck team too. 

The Morgan family has published Tony's obituary and asked us to share it with you. 

We will be celebrating the life and the legacy that Tony lived on September 19th at 11:00 am Eastern at his church, North Point Community Church.

If you choose to attend, please wear anything but black clothes, because this is a celebration—celebration of the life he lived and the impact that we will continue to carry throughout our lives.

If you plan to attend the service, please bring a handwritten or typed note with a memory of Tony or a description of the impact he had on your life. Notes will be displayed on a memory board at the reception following the service, and treasured forever by the family.

In lieu of flowers, the family has asked that you make a donation in support of a cause close to Tony’s heart: developing the next generation to lead unstuck churches. You can donate here to a fund established to provide scholarships for young pastors to participate in leadership training through The Unstuck Group.


Sep 4, 2024

If a church is engaging young families, it’s pretty easy to see. What’s less obvious to the outside observer is all the decisions they have made to become a church that parents and kids want to attend—what it really takes.

There’s much more to it than curriculum, facilities or finding the right staff, and through this series, we are going to unpack all of what goes into it.

In this first episode, we explore why reaching young families needs to be a priority and the tensions we know pastors are feeling around it.

For the full episode transcript, links mentioned during the show, and to download the Leader Conversation Guide, visit this episode's Show Notes at theunstuckgroup.com/episode364.

This episode is brought to you by Planning Center:

An all-in-one software to help you organize your ministries and care for your church.

With an easy-to-use platform of products, you can bring people together with event signups, room and resource reservations, automatic volunteer scheduling, and much more.

Start using it for free now at planningcenter.com.

Join the Conversation on Social Media

If you're listening on Wednesday when the episode first releases, join the live conversation The Unstuck Group's team will be having on social media about this week's topic. We use hashtag #unstuckchurch on X. Or you can join in on Facebook.

Aug 28, 2024

Every quarter, The Unstuck Group compiles all the data we’ve collected to monitor trends in churches in the United States. 

In this episode, Amy and I discuss findings from the Q3 2024 Unstuck Church Report and take a targeted look at key differences between growing churches and churches that are plateauing or declining.

You can subscribe to receive the quarterly report for free, or if you're subscribed to the podcast show notes, we'll send it out to you for free, as well.

This Episode is Sponsored by Horizons Stewardship

Horizons Stewardship utilizes a collaborative and integrated ministry framework designed to fit each organization’s unique culture and support church and faith-based nonprofit leaders in their mission to grow disciples and fund ministry through coaching, planning, technology, and analytics.

Horizons has over three decades of experience and has developed a spiritually focused approach that consistently yields more funding for ministry and more effective disciple-making strategies. With the support of seasoned ministry strategists, proven generosity guides, and ICF-trained coaches, ministries that partner with Horizons experience, on average, a double-digit increase in giving within the first year. 

Interested in learning more? Click here.

For the full episode transcript, links mentioned during the show, and to download the Leader Conversation Guide, visit this episode's Show Notes at theunstuckgroup.com/episode363.

Join the Live Conversation on Social Media

If you're listening on Wednesday, when the episode first releases, join the live conversation The Unstuck Group's team will be having on social media about this week's topic. We use hashtag #unstuckchurch on Twitter/X. Or you can join in on Facebook.

Aug 22, 2024

Organizational health impacts the overall health of churches. 

When there are gaps in strengths, trust and accountability in staff teams, stuckness soon follows.

Here at The Unstuck Group, we've found an effective way for our team to identify their strengths and close gaps in their leadership through Working Genius by The Table Group. 

In this BONUS episode, Tony Morgan interviews Beau Johnson from The Table Group about the importance of organizational health in churches and how Working Genius offers solutions. 


This episode is brought to you by The Six Types of Working Genius:

Working Genius is the fastest way to increase productivity, improve morale, and decrease turnover on your team. It takes ten minutes to discover the work that gives you joy and energy, and the work that is leading to staff burnout. 

  • Take the assessment.
  • Discuss your results.
  • Engage the geniuses of the people around you. 

Get started today: Use code UNSTUCKWG for 20% off at workinggenius.com.

Join the Conversation on Social Media

If you're listening on Wednesday when the episode first releases, join the live conversation The Unstuck Group's team will be having on social media about this week's topic. We use hashtag #unstuckchurch on X. Or you can join in on Facebook.

Aug 21, 2024

Our data consistently contradicts the broader trends of declining religious affiliation and church engagement in our country.

In fact, we personally know many churches that are experiencing major momentum right now—in terms of attendance, engagement, professions of faith, giving and all kinds of metrics of church health.

Clearly, there’s something different about the churches that are part of our tribe. So, in the final episode of the series, we’re going to share a few other things that make a church unstuck—more things those churches have in common.

For the full episode transcript, links mentioned during the show, and to download the Leader Conversation Guide, visit this episode's Show Notes at theunstuckgroup.com/episode362.

This episode is brought to you by The Six Types of Working Genius:

Working Genius is the fastest way to increase productivity, improve morale, and decrease turnover on your team. It takes ten minutes to discover the work that gives you joy and energy, and the work that is leading to staff burnout. 

  • Take the assessment.
  • Discuss your results.
  • Engage the geniuses of the people around you. 

Get started today: Use code UNSTUCKWG for 20% off at workinggenius.com.

Join the Conversation on Social Media

If you're listening on Wednesday when the episode first releases, join the live conversation The Unstuck Group's team will be having on social media about this week's topic. We use hashtag #unstuckchurch on X. Or you can join in on Facebook.

Aug 14, 2024

People are often surprised when they read our reports for the first time.

Our data shows contradictory trends to much of what we read in general research.

For example, in our most recent edition of The Unstuck Church Report, the average year-over-year attendance increase was 17%. There’s clearly something different about the churches engaging with our surveys. Despite the headlines, we know 100s of churches that are NOT in decline.

So, are U.S. churches stuck or unstuck? Over the next two episodes, we’re going to try to explain what’s so different about unstuck churches—based on real-life examples—and give you some practical ways to make sense of the things contributing to church growth or decline.

For the full episode transcript, links mentioned during the show, and to download the Leader Conversation Guide, visit this episode's Show Notes at theunstuckgroup.com/episode361.

This episode is brought to you by The Six Types of Working Genius:

Working Genius is the fastest way to increase productivity, improve morale, and decrease turnover on your team. It takes ten minutes to discover the work that gives you joy and energy, and the work that is leading to staff burnout. 

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  • Engage the geniuses of the people around you. 

Get started today: Use code UNSTUCKWG for 20% off at workinggenius.com.

Join the Conversation on Social Media

If you're listening on Wednesday when the episode first releases, join the live conversation The Unstuck Group's team will be having on social media about this week's topic. We use hashtag #unstuckchurch on X. Or you can join in on Facebook.

Aug 7, 2024

New data, same headlines. The surveys and studies always seem to repeat the same refrain: Church attendance is in decline. Religious participation is phasing out of American life.

Except…our data shows the opposite. In our most recent edition of The Unstuck Church Report, the average year-over-year attendance increase was 17% across churches of all sizes. There’s clearly something different about the churches engaging with our surveys.

In this series, we’re going to try to explain what’s so different about unstuck churches and give you some practical ways to make sense of the things contributing to church growth or decline.

We have our own data and observations from the work we do that we will share in the next two episodes, but we wanted to start out with an exploration of recent data and trends from an authority on religion in American life. So, we invited Alan Cooperman from Pew Research Center to join us for a conversation about the broader trends happening in the U.S.

For the full episode transcript, links mentioned during the show, and to download the Leader Conversation Guide, visit this episode's Show Notes at theunstuckgroup.com/episode360.

This episode is brought to you by The Six Types of Working Genius:

Working Genius is the fastest way to increase productivity, improve morale, and decrease turnover on your team. It takes ten minutes to discover the work that gives you joy and energy, and the work that is leading to staff burnout. 

  • Take the assessment.
  • Discuss your results.
  • Engage the geniuses of the people around you. 

Get started today: Use code UNSTUCKWG for 20% off at workinggenius.com.

Join the Conversation on Social Media

If you're listening on Wednesday when the episode first releases, join the live conversation The Unstuck Group's team will be having on social media about this week's topic. We use hashtag #unstuckchurch on X. Or you can join in on Facebook.

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