










All Episodes
Now displaying: 2019
Dec 26, 2019

We're still on a high from a gathering we had in Phoenix a few weeks ago. The Unstuck Group's team members—about 30 of us—got together for our annual meet-up.

Tony shared highlights from the last 12 months of helping churches get unstuck, which included celebrating 10 years of The Unstuck Group, serving our 400th church, kicking off a merger-succession to join Jim Tomberlin's MultiSite Solutions to our team, launching the Multisite Unstuck Course, and adding 5 new team members.

In this episode, Tony and Amy and reflect on what we've learned over the last 12 months helping churches get unstuck and share some things we're celebrating as a team, as well as preview some exciting things that are on the way!

For the full episode transcript and links mentioned during the show, visit this episode's Show Notes at theunstuckgroup.com/episode125.

Join the Live Conversation on Social Media

If you're listening on Wednesday, when the episode first releases, join the live conversation The Unstuck Group's team will be having on social media about this week's topic. We use hashtag #unstuckchurch on Twitter. Or you can join in on Facebook.

Ask your questions and add your comments about the topic.

If you're catching this episode later, you can still join in! Just tag us @unstuckgroup or use #unstuckchurch, and include [episode 125] in your post for reference.

Dec 18, 2019

The results are pretty predictable… vision stalls out, staff teams can get dysfunctional, and tension can develop in the relationship with the lead pastor.

All because the wins for the Executive Pastor role aren't 100% clear.

In our recent webinar, Dan Reiland, Jenni Catron and Paul Alexander joined Tony for a practical conversation how to get an XP firing on all cylinders. When an Executive Pastor own the roles they can't delegate, the results are a clear path from vision to execution, high impact staff teams, and a lead pastor free to focus on what only he or she can do.

For the full episode transcript, links mentioned during the show, and to download the Leader Conversation Guide, visit this episode's Show Notes at theunstuckgroup.com/episode124.

Join the Live Conversation on Social Media

If you're listening on Wednesday, when the episode first releases, join the live conversation The Unstuck Group's team will be having on social media about this week's topic. We use hashtag #unstuckchurch on Twitter. Or you can join in on Facebook.

Ask your questions and add your comments about the topic.

If you're catching this episode later, you can still join in! Just tag us @unstuckgroup or use #unstuckchurch, and include [episode 124] in your post for reference.

Dec 11, 2019

When people see their church being led intentionally and efficiently with wise financial decision making, they will become incredibly generous.

Unfortunately, many churches make unwise decisions when it comes to budgeting and planning that result in regular cuts and spending freezes.

Churches can operate with enough healthy margin that will prepare them for some of the amazing opportunities God will send their way—it only requires following a few proven principles.

This week on the podcast we conclude our four part series on financial challenges that churches face today. Chris Hodges from the Church of the Highlands talks about how churches can become more practical in financial planning.

For the full episode transcript, links mentioned during the show, and to download the Leader Conversation Guide, visit this episode's Show Notes at theunstuckgroup.com/episode123.

Join the Live Conversation on Social Media

If you're listening on Wednesday, when the episode first releases, join the live conversation The Unstuck Group's team will be having on social media about this week's topic. We use hashtag #unstuckchurch on Twitter. Or you can join in on Facebook.

Ask your questions and add your comments about the topic.

If you're catching this episode later, you can still join in! Just tag us @unstuckgroup or use #unstuckchurch, and include [episode 123] in your post for reference.

Dec 4, 2019

When churches plan their finances strategically, they can fund even the biggest visions and dreams from God.

Unfortunately, poor financial planning can lead to money dictating ministry instead of driving it.

This week on the podcast we continue our four part series on financial challenges that churches face today. Jill Mutimer from the Strategic Consulting Group joins me to talk about how churches can become more strategic in their financial planning.

For the full episode transcript, links mentioned during the show, and to download the Leader Conversation Guide, visit this episode's Show Notes at theunstuckgroup.com/episode122.

Join the Live Conversation on Social Media

If you're listening on Wednesday, when the episode first releases, join the live conversation The Unstuck Group's team will be having on social media about this week's topic. We use hashtag #unstuckchurch on Twitter. Or you can join in on Facebook.

Ask your questions and add your comments about the topic.

If you're catching this episode later, you can still join in! Just tag us @unstuckgroup or use #unstuckchurch, and include [episode 122] in your post for reference.

Nov 27, 2019

Churches today are facing more challenges than ever when it comes to their finances. 

Discipling givers, managing money and creating annual budgets are complicated issues that every church has to navigate. 
This week on the podcast we continue a four part series on the specific issues churches face when it comes to money.
In this episode, Tony is joined by Dan Dorner from In Rhythm Consulting for a conversation on how churches can better steward their money and resources.

For the full episode transcript, links mentioned during the show, and to download the Leader Conversation Guide, visit this episode's Show Notes at theunstuckgroup.com/episode121.

Join the Live Conversation on Social Media

If you're listening on Wednesday, when the episode first releases, join the live conversation The Unstuck Group's team will be having on social media about this week's topic. We use hashtag #unstuckchurch on Twitter. Or you can join in on Facebook.

Ask your questions and add your comments about the topic.

If you're catching this episode later, you can still join in! Just tag us @unstuckgroup or use #unstuckchurch, and include [episode 121] in your post for reference.

Nov 20, 2019

I think most church leaders would agree that they're experiencing some shifts in giving. And while it's not always easy to talk about money, financial means resource our ministry and our church.

In the past 15 years, the percentage of households giving to charity has dropped 18%. Research says that the number one corollary to generosity is being a Christian. With trends showing a significant decrease in generosity, how can we adjust? How can we develop cultures of generosity in the church?

On this week's episode, Joe Park, from Horizons Stewardship, joins me on the podcast to talk all things money and giving.

For the full episode transcript, links mentioned during the show, and to download the Leader Conversation Guide, visit this episode's Show Notes at theunstuckgroup.com/episode120.

Join the Live Conversation on Social Media

If you're listening on Wednesday, when the episode first releases, join the live conversation The Unstuck Group's team will be having on social media about this week's topic. We use hashtag #unstuckchurch on Twitter. Or you can join in on Facebook.

Ask your questions and add your comments about the topic.

If you're catching this episode later, you can still join in! Just tag us @unstuckgroup or use #unstuckchurch, and include [episode 120] in your post for reference.

Nov 13, 2019

How do we develop great leaders?

This seems to be the golden question of church leaders today. But the truth is no organization can thrive without great leadership. And it’s not likely that you’ll stumble upon enough great leaders to maintain the health and growth of your ministry. 

When we work with churches, we consistently see a tension with how to not only find potential leaders, but how to develop them, as well.  How do you take them to the next level and increase their capacity? 

In this episode, Tony and Paul Alexander, Executive Pastor of Sun Valley Community Church in Arizona, are digging into how effective leadership development really works in the context of the church.

For the full episode transcript, links mentioned during the show, and to download the Leader Conversation Guide, visit this episode's Show Notes at theunstuckgroup.com/episode119.

Join the Live Conversation on Social Media

If you're listening on Wednesday, when the episode first releases, join the live conversation The Unstuck Group's team will be having on social media about this week's topic. We use hashtag #unstuckchurch on Twitter. Or you can join in on Facebook.

Ask your questions and add your comments about the topic.

If you're catching this episode later, you can still join in! Just tag us @unstuckgroup or use #unstuckchurch, and include [episode 119] in your post for reference.

Nov 6, 2019

Churches decorate, plan and hold extra services—but are we really connecting with the people who only come to church during the most wonderful time of the year?

Our culture still embraces Christmas. Easter? Not so much. Church leaders can leverage this holiday better than any other to generate momentum for reaching people outside the church.

In this replay of a popular episode, Tony and Amy review "the wins" every church can experience during the Christmas season... if they just reframe how they think about it.

For the full episode transcript, links mentioned during the show, and to download the Leader Conversation Guide, visit this episode's Show Notes at theunstuckgroup.com/episode118.

Join the Live Conversation on Social Media

If you're listening on Wednesday, when the episode first releases, join the live conversation The Unstuck Group's team will be having on social media about this week's topic. We use hashtag #unstuckchurch on Twitter. Or you can join in on Facebook.

Ask your questions and add your comments about the topic.

If you're catching this episode later, you can still join in! Just tag us @unstuckgroup or use #unstuckchurch, and include [episode 118] in your post for reference.

Oct 30, 2019

It’s possible to grow a church that is not healthy. It’s also possible for healthy churches to get stuck.

But we think the win is for there to be both health and growth in a church. When that happens, we get to celebrate as churches continue to fulfill the Great Commission and make more disciples.

In the second part of this episode series, Tony and Amy unpack the next 5 things on a list we brainstormed of 10 things we regularly see unstuck churches doing right—and all of them stand the test of time. 

For the full episode transcript, links mentioned during the show, and to download the Leader Conversation Guide, visit this episode's Show Notes at theunstuckgroup.com/episode117.

Join the Live Conversation on Social Media

If you're listening on Wednesday, when the episode first releases, join the live conversation The Unstuck Group's team will be having on social media about this week's topic. We use hashtag #unstuckchurch on Twitter. Or you can join in on Facebook.

Ask your questions and add your comments about the topic.

If you're catching this episode later, you can still join in! Just tag us @unstuckgroup or use #unstuckchurch, and include [episode117] in your post for reference.

Oct 23, 2019

It’s possible to grow a church that is not healthy. It’s also possible for healthy churches to get stuck.

But we think the win is for there to be both health and growth in a church. When that happens, we get to celebrate as churches continue to fulfill the Great Commission and make more disciples.

In this episode, Tony and Amy unpack the first 5 things on a list we brainstormed of 10 things we regularly see unstuck churches doing right—and all of them stand the test of time. 

For the full episode transcript, links mentioned during the show, and to download the Leader Conversation Guide, visit this episode's Show Notes at theunstuckgroup.com/episode116.

Join the Live Conversation on Social Media

If you're listening on Wednesday, when the episode first releases, join the live conversation The Unstuck Group's team will be having on social media about this week's topic. We use hashtag #unstuckchurch on Twitter. Or you can join in on Facebook.

Ask your questions and add your comments about the topic.

If you're catching this episode later, you can still join in! Just tag us @unstuckgroup or use #unstuckchurch, and include [episode116] in your post for reference.

Oct 16, 2019

Many people are more familiar with what the church is against than what the Church is for.

Jeff Henderson's new book Know What You're FOR: A Growth Strategy for Work, An Even Better Strategy for Life is all about shifts organizations can make to be for their communities.

In this episode, Jeff joins Tony for a conversation about practical ideas leaders can implement to reframe how their churches think and behave, at the staff and congregational levels, to become a church the community would beg to keep its doors open.

For the full episode transcript, links mentioned during the show, and to download the Leader Conversation Guide, visit this episode's Show Notes at theunstuckgroup.com/episode115.

Join the Live Conversation on Social Media

If you're listening on Wednesday, when the episode first releases, join the live conversation The Unstuck Group's team will be having on social media about this week's topic. We use hashtag #unstuckchurch on Twitter. Or you can join in on Facebook.

Ask your questions and add your comments about the topic.

If you're catching this episode later, you can still join in! Just tag us @unstuckgroup or use #unstuckchurch, and include [episode115] in your post for reference.

Oct 9, 2019

We’ve found many church staff teams operate in one of two extremes: 

They get along with each other but struggle to execute plans... or they are impressively productive but unhealthy and dysfunctional.

The undercurrent is often that we church leaders can get so busy "doing" ministry that we never think about how we "do" team.

It's the Sunday's always coming syndrome. But the truth is, a church's kingdom impact is directly correlated with the health and performance of its team. Your team is the most valuable asset you have in making progress toward your vision.

In this episode, we're sharing a portion of our recent webinar featuring Tony Morgan, Amy Anderson and Lance Witt that focused on what we're learning about healthy, high-performing church staff teams. 

For the full episode transcript, links mentioned during the show, and to download the Leader Conversation Guide, visit this episode's Show Notes at theunstuckgroup.com/episode114.

Join the Live Conversation on Social Media

If you're listening on Wednesday, when the episode first releases, join the live conversation The Unstuck Group's team will be having on social media about this week's topic. We use hashtag #unstuckchurch on Twitter. Or you can join in on Facebook.

Ask your questions and add your comments about the topic.

If you're catching this episode later, you can still join in! Just tag us @unstuckgroup or use #unstuckchurch, and include [episode114] in your post for reference.

Oct 2, 2019

Churches drift towards an insider-focus over time—more attention is given to discipleship of Christ followers than to effective outreach and evangelism.

How do you fight that tendency? We’ve noted four steps that help churches open their “front door” wider. All four are critical—but we’ve found most churches only have strategies and structure to engage one or two of them.

In this four-part series, Tony and Amy unpack the key steps we see helping churches reach more new guests with the love of Jesus:

  1. Pre-Guest Engagement
  2. The 1st-Time Guest Experience
  3. First Steps Engagement
  4. Next Steps Engagement 

In this episode—Engaging Your Mission Field (Part 4)—Tony and Amy unpack how we can do a better job helping people find their place in the body of Christ.

For the full episode transcript, links mentioned during the show, and to download the Leader Conversation Guide, visit this episode's Show Notes at theunstuckgroup.com/episode113.

Join the Live Conversation on Social Media

If you're listening on Wednesday, when the episode first releases, join the live conversation The Unstuck Group's team will be having on social media about this week's topic. We use hashtag #unstuckchurch on Twitter. Or you can join in on Facebook.

Ask your questions and add your comments about the topic.

If you're catching this episode later, you can still join in! Just tag us @unstuckgroup or use #unstuckchurch, and include [episode113] in your post for reference.

Sep 25, 2019

Churches drift towards an insider-focus over time—more attention is given to discipleship of Christ followers than to effective outreach and evangelism.

How do you fight that tendency? We’ve noted four steps that help churches open their “front door” wider. All four are critical—but we’ve found most churches only have strategies and structure to engage one or two of them.

In this four-part series, Tony and Amy unpack the key steps we see helping churches reach more new guests with the love of Jesus:

  1. Pre-Guest Engagement
  2. The 1st-Time Guest Experience
  3. First Steps Engagement
  4. Next Steps Engagement 

In this episode—Engaging Your Mission Field (Part 3)—Tony and Amy dig into how we can better engage new guests beyond the weekend experience, including several key strategies that will help new guests take those first steps.

For the full episode transcript, links mentioned during the show, and to download the Leader Conversation Guide, visit this episode's Show Notes at theunstuckgroup.com/episode112.

Join the Live Conversation on Social Media

If you're listening on Wednesday, when the episode first releases, join the live conversation The Unstuck Group's team will be having on social media about this week's topic. We use hashtag #unstuckchurch on Twitter. Or you can join in on Facebook.

Ask your questions and add your comments about the topic.

If you're catching this episode later, you can still join in! Just tag us @unstuckgroup or use #unstuckchurch, and include [episode112] in your post for reference.

Sep 18, 2019

Churches drift towards an insider-focus over time—more attention is given to discipleship of Christ followers than to effective outreach and evangelism.

How do you fight that tendency? We’ve noted four steps that help churches open their “front door” wider. All four are critical—but we’ve found most churches only have strategies and structure to engage one or two of them.

In this four-part series, Tony and Amy unpack the key steps we see helping churches reach more new guests with the love of Jesus:

  1. Pre-Guest Engagement
  2. The 1st-Time Guest Experience
  3. First Steps Engagement
  4. Next Steps Engagement 

In this episode—Engaging Your Mission Field (Part 2)—Tony and Amy clarify the real “win” for engaging first-time guests.

For the full episode transcript, links mentioned during the show, and to download the Leader Conversation Guide, visit this episode's Show Notes at theunstuckgroup.com/episode111.

Join the Live Conversation on Social Media

If you're listening on Wednesday, when the episode first releases, join the live conversation The Unstuck Group's team will be having on social media about this week's topic. We use hashtag #unstuckchurch on Twitter. Or you can join in on Facebook.

Ask your questions and add your comments about the topic.

If you're catching this episode later, you can still join in! Just tag us @unstuckgroup or use #unstuckchurch, and include [episode111] in your post for reference.

Sep 11, 2019

Churches drift towards an insider-focus over time—more attention is given to discipleship of Christ followers than to effective outreach and evangelism.

How do you fight that tendency? We’ve noted four steps that help churches open their “front door” wider. All four are critical—but we’ve found most churches only have strategies and structure to engage one or two of them.

In this four-part series, Tony and Amy unpack the key steps we see helping churches reach more new guests with the love of Jesus:

  1. Pre-Guest Engagement
  2. The 1st-Time Guest Experience
  3. First Steps Engagement
  4. Next Steps Engagement 

In this episode—Engaging Your Mission Field (Part 1)—Tony and Amy share unpack three elements of an effective pre-guest engagement strategy and how you can get started in your church.

For the full episode transcript, links mentioned during the show, and to download the Leader Conversation Guide, visit this episode's Show Notes at theunstuckgroup.com/episode110.

Join the Live Conversation on Social Media

If you're listening on Wednesday, when the episode first releases, join the live conversation The Unstuck Group's team will be having on social media about this week's topic. We use hashtag #unstuckchurch on Twitter. Or you can join in on Facebook.

Ask your questions and add your comments about the topic.

If you're catching this episode later, you can still join in! Just tag us @unstuckgroup or use #unstuckchurch, and include [episode110] in your post for reference.

Sep 4, 2019

You had more questions about church engagement—so we are  taking this week to answer them.

We recently hosted a webinar on the topic of ​increasing church engagement​, and as part of the event, we fielded questions from people who tuned in. We weren’t able to get through all of the questions live, so in this episode, we’re digging a bit deeper.

We saw some themes in the questions that came in. Participants were  asking things like...

  1. How do you measure engagement of people before they attend your church?
  2. How do you engage more empty-nesters in serving?
  3. What does engagement looks like in a transient area, where the turnover every year or two is significant?  
  4. Does the nature of the serving (internally within the church vs. externally in the community) have any impact on engagement?
  5. What are best practices for churches who live stream their services to increase engagement from those who watch online? 
  6. How do you successfully re-engage people who stop taking steps on your discipleship path?

In this episode, Tony and Amy share their answers to these questions and more! 

For the full episode transcript, links mentioned during the show, and to download the Leader Conversation Guide, visit this episode's Show Notes at theunstuckgroup.com/episode109.

Join the Live Conversation on Social Media

If you're listening on Wednesday, when the episode first releases, join the live conversation The Unstuck Group's team will be having on social media about this week's topic. We use hashtag #unstuckchurch on Twitter. Or you can join in on Facebook.

Ask your questions and add your comments about the topic.

If you're catching this episode later, you can still join in! Just tag us @unstuckgroup or use #unstuckchurch, and include [episode109] in your post for reference.

Aug 28, 2019

Bus ministry, cassette tape messages, door-to-door evangelism... all ministry strategies have a lifespan. Is multisite nearing its end?

Recently, some high profile multisite churches made the decision to un-multisite. For a variety of reasons, their ministry strategy has shifted from “one church in many locations” to “multiple independent churches,” some even boldly downsizing to one location.

Do these public shifts in strategy signal the beginning of the end for the multisite era?

In this episode, Tony sits down with Geoff Surratt, pastor and author of The Multisite Revolution, for a conversation on the future of multisite church, and whether or not it's still an effective strategy in today's culture.

For the full episode transcript, links mentioned during the show, and to download the Leader Conversation Guide, visit this episode's Show Notes at theunstuckgroup.com/episode108.

Join the Live Conversation on Social Media

If you're listening on Wednesday, when the episode first releases, join the live conversation The Unstuck Group's team will be having on social media about this week's topic. We use hashtag #unstuckchurch on Twitter. Or you can join in on Facebook.

Ask your questions and add your comments about the topic.

If you're catching this episode later, you can still join in! Just tag us @unstuckgroup or use #unstuckchurch, and include [episode108] in your post for reference.

Aug 21, 2019

What's the "win" for your church's social media activity? If you don’t know, at best you'll waste time and resources, and at worst you’ll do damage to your brand and the potential you have to engage people outside your church.

Social media platforms play a big role in the success of an inbound marketing strategy, and it seems like most churches are struggling to use them well. (Not sure what "inbound marketing" means? We covered it in Episode 61).  

Why are they struggling? For one, the nuances of social media are always changing. 

In this episode, Tiffany Deluccia from The Unstuck Group's team joins Tony and Amy to help unpack some things you need to know to maximize the potential of social media for reaching more people and increasing engagement.

For the full episode transcript, links mentioned during the show, and to download the Leader Conversation Guide, visit this episode's Show Notes at theunstuckgroup.com/episode107.

Join the Live Conversation on Social Media

If you're listening on Wednesday, when the episode first releases, join the live conversation The Unstuck Group's team will be having on social media about this week's topic. We use hashtag #unstuckchurch on Twitter. Or you can join in on Facebook.

Ask your questions and add your comments about the topic.

If you're catching this episode later, you can still join in! Just tag us @unstuckgroup or use #unstuckchurch, and include [episode107] in your post for reference.

Aug 14, 2019

Engagement—It's the buzz word we hear church leaders discussing across the country. What does it really mean and how do you know if you're hitting a mark?

Truth be told, we find many pastors are confused about engagement. How do we increase it? Why do people show up, come back, plug in or leave?

Recently, Tony, Amy and Sean hosted a live webinar for church leaders on the topic of engagement. In this episode, we're sharing that conversation with you.

For the full episode transcript, links mentioned during the show, and to download the Leader Conversation Guide, visit this episode's Show Notes at theunstuckgroup.com/episode106.

Join the Live Conversation on Social Media

If you're listening on Wednesday, when the episode first releases, join the live conversation The Unstuck Group's team will be having on social media about this week's topic. We use hashtag #unstuckchurch on Twitter. Or you can join in on Facebook.

Ask your questions and add your comments about the topic.

If you're catching this episode later, you can still join in! Just tag us @unstuckgroup or use #unstuckchurch, and include [episode106] in your post for reference.

Aug 7, 2019

It’s one of the big responsibilities every pastor has—the planning process for message series.

Few pastors tell us they have a great process. Often, there’s no plan at all, or the plan only goes a few months out and lacks an aspect that brings focus to the big picture. While it may work for the lead pastor’s writing rhythm, it rarely serves the rest of the team well.

In this episode, Tony and Amy talk best practices for taking the frustration out of sermon series planning for both you and your team.

For the full episode transcript, links mentioned during the show, and to download the Leader Conversation Guide, visit this episode's Show Notes at theunstuckgroup.com/episode105.

Join the Live Conversation on Social Media

If you're listening on Wednesday, when the episode first releases, join the live conversation The Unstuck Group's team will be having on social media about this week's topic. We use hashtag #unstuckchurch on Twitter. Or you can join in on Facebook.

Ask your questions and add your comments about the topic.

If you're catching this episode later, you can still join in! Just tag us @unstuckgroup or use #unstuckchurch, and include [episode105] in your post for reference.

Jul 31, 2019

It can feel like a losing battle. You want to help new guests feel welcome and decide to return, but how do you even identify them? The most common strategies don't work very well anymore.

Many churches don't have an intentional plan to identify, welcome and follow up with their new guests. And, if they do have a plan, it’s often too cumbersome for a new guest to engage.

In this episode, Tony, Amy and Sean share the method we’ve seen some churches use that's working incredibly well, and how simple it is to bring your guest connection strategy into the 21st century.

For the full episode transcript, links mentioned during the show, and to download the Leader Conversation Guide, visit this episode's Show Notes at theunstuckgroup.com/episode104.

Join the Live Conversation on Social Media

If you're listening on Wednesday, when the episode first releases, join the live conversation The Unstuck Group's team will be having on social media about this week's topic. We use hashtag #unstuckchurch on Twitter. Or you can join in on Facebook.

Ask your questions and add your comments about the topic.

If you're catching this episode later, you can still join in! Just tag us @unstuckgroup or use #unstuckchurch, and include [episode104] in your post for reference.

Jul 24, 2019

The good news is that things have gotten better. 

A few decades ago, churches weren’t talking about design or brand or project management or technology.

The bad news? Many churches are doing those things now, but overall our outcomes are not better. Many churches are still in decline, and all this cool stuff we're creating is not putting the mission and vision in action or within reach. 

In this episode, Tony and Amy interview Kem Meyer, author of Less Chaos. Less Noise., about how we can reframe our understanding of brand and communications for this decade. Kem also shares a practical tool to help you get started. 

For the full episode transcript, links mentioned during the show, and to download the Leader Conversation Guide, visit this episode's Show Notes at theunstuckgroup.com/episode103.

Join the Live Conversation on Social Media

If you're listening on Wednesday, when the episode first releases, join the live conversation The Unstuck Group's team will be having on social media about this week's topic. We use hashtag #unstuckchurch on Twitter. Or you can join in on Facebook.

Ask your questions and add your comments about the topic.

If you're catching this episode later, you can still join in! Just tag us @unstuckgroup or use #unstuckchurch, and include [episode103] in your post for reference.

Jul 17, 2019

Church growth vs. spiritual growth. Churches often operate like the two are mutually exclusive. 

The truth is, Jesus charged us both with reaching new people and helping them learn to be more like Him. We find unstuck churches are effective on both sides of the equation.

In this episode, Tony and Amy share 3 reasons why churches are struggling to help people grow spiritually, and some practical next steps you can take as a leader to turn things around.

For the full episode transcript, links mentioned during the show, and to download the Leader Conversation Guide, visit this episode's Show Notes at theunstuckgroup.com/episode102.

Join the Live Conversation on Social Media

If you're listening on Wednesday, when the episode first releases, join the live conversation The Unstuck Group's team will be having on social media about this week's topic. We use hashtag #unstuckchurch on Twitter. Or you can join in on Facebook.

Ask your questions and add your comments about the topic.

If you're catching this episode later, you can still join in! Just tag us @unstuckgroup or use #unstuckchurch, and include [episode102] in your post for reference.

Jul 10, 2019

167 hours per week. That's how much time people spend doing all the things that don't happen at a weekend church service.

If you're interested in redeeming all that time to help people take next steps in their relationship with Christ, there's one particular strategy we'd encourage you to employ.

And very few churches are trying it.

This episode is all about podcasting. A few reasons to look at your church podcast through a new lens:

  • 32% of the US population is consuming podcast content monthly
  • 22% are engaging weekly
  • The average weekly podcast consumer listens to 6+ hours of podcast episodes
  • 80% of podcast listeners listen to the entire episode or most of the episode

In this episode, Sean Bublitz  joins Tony and Amy to talk about how your church podcast could be so much more than a replay of your weekend message and could help you extend the reach of your church directly into people’s lives.

Listen for a practical discussion about why and how to get started.

For the full episode transcript and links mentioned during the show, visit this episode's Show Notes at theunstuckgroup.com/episode101.

Get the Beginner's Guide to Starting a Church Podcast

Instead of the usual leader conversation guide, in this episode we wanted to give you something practical to help you get started. So, we created a PDF guide called A Beginner's Guide to Starting a Church Podcast

Show Notes subscribers get it free. Not subscribed? What are you waiting for?

Subscribe to the Show Notes

Join the Live Conversation on Social Media

If you're listening on Wednesday, when the episode first releases, join the live conversation The Unstuck Group's team will be having on social media about this week's topic. We use hashtag #unstuckchurch on Twitter. Or you can join in on Facebook.

Ask your questions and add your comments about the topic.

If you're catching this episode later, you can still join in! Just tag us @unstuckgroup or use #unstuckchurch, and include [episode101] in your post for reference.

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